About Us
While major law firms have made modest strides in the hiring and promotion of women and certain minority groups, studies have consistently shown that the number of Black attorneys in large law firms has either remained stagnant or declined over the last several years. The aim of the BBP is to reduce this disproportionate attrition rate and improve the professional outcomes of Black attorneys, many of whom report feeling isolated and unsupported at their respective firms.
The BBP has responded to a pressing need by providing Black lawyers with guidance and mentorship from accomplished and experienced Black attorneys. In addition, the BBP hosts an annual Associate Boot Camp (“Boot Camp”) that provides Black associates with substantive litigation and transactional skills training, as well as soft skills development training focused on emotional intelligence, branding, and relationship building. The Boot Camp also provides sessions on mentorship, sponsorship, strategic career planning, and financial literacy. Each Boot Camp participant is provided with an invitation to join the broader BBP community where they can receive daily mentorship from members of the BBP’s leadership team after the Boot Camp is completed.
Have a Question for us?
Email : info@blackbiglawpipeline.com