Inaugural Boot Camp Held at Cooley LLP

On June 29, 2019, Black BigLaw Pipeline hosted its inaugural Junior Associate Boot Camp at the New York offices of Cooley LLP.  Over the course of the day, Black law firm associates participated in intensive workshops to strengthen the skills, networks and quality of life that are crucial to achieving a long, successful and rewarding legal career. The Boot Camp’s inaugural class had 35 participants comprised of first through third year associates and summer associates representing 28 Am Law 100 Firms from 12 states. 

Feedback from this inaugural cohort was overwhelmingly positive. Several attendees eagerly described the lessons learned and the strategies that they planned to implement as a direct result of their participation.  A number of participants indicated that they had “an amazing experience” and were grateful for the investment that the BBP’s leadership has made to promote the success of the profession’s current and future black lawyers. 


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